Wan Chai Hong Kong

Wan Chai Hong Kong
 Wan Chai Hong Kong
 Wan Chai Hong Kong
 Wan Chai Hong Kong
 Wan Chai Hong Kong
 Wan Chai Hong Kong

Abu Dhabi Cricket Stadium Nice Photoes

Abu Dhabi Cricket Stadium
 Abu Dhabi Cricket Stadium
 Abu Dhabi Cricket Stadium
 Abu Dhabi Cricket Stadium
 Abu Dhabi Cricket Stadium

Daman-e-Koh, Islamabad, Pakistan

Among numerous outing places in Islamabad Daman-e-Koh is one of the most famous spot. Its name is a combination of two words: Daman, which means center and Koh, which means hill. Therefore, the meaning of Daman-e-Koh is the center of the hill. Daman-e-Koh is a unique point on Margalla Hills, which cover Islamabad from the western side. This spot offers an eye catching scene of Islamabad city. The whole city can be viewed from here; even Rawal Dam Lake can be beautifully viewed from here. It is a good, health air picnic spot. Due to the development of a garden here form government, now this location is well mentioned. From the parking lot small golf course cars take you to the gallery where you can take a view of the city. Beautiful view of woods, carpeted grass and yellow flowers show a very beautiful scene.

Evil Vancouver Canada Wallpapers

Evil Vancouver Canada
Device to Root Out Evil in Vancouver, Canada, designed by Dennis Oppenheim describes a reversed building.
Evil Vancouver Canada
Evil Vancouver Canada
 Evil Vancouver Canada
 Evil Vancouver Canada
 Evil Vancouver Canada

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